Valentine Box


SKU: N/A Category: Tag:

Valentine Box


2 Chocolate with freeze-dried Strawberry
2 Chocolate with roasted almonds
1 Frame of 8 photos, phrase, names and Spotify code to dedicate song
1 Crocheted rose
Card of your choice
Burgundi ribbon
Security wrap

We will accept orders until February 8 to arrive between February 12 and 14, we are not responsible for orders after the indicated date that arrive out of time.


Please send us:

-8 photos in the best possible resolution
-1 SHORT phrase example “you are the best thing that ever happened to me”.
-Names of both of you
example “Maria&Pablo”
-the name of the song with author

Send everything to
Enclose your name, order number and phone number, Thank You

Weight1.1 kg
Dimensions33.02 × 25.4 × 7.65 cm
Message card

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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